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Gah! I need help finding a hentai's name!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:04 pm
by that man
Title says it all. It was one I saw an episode of [redacted] ago, and I've never been able to attach a name to it. I remember the show to be on some sort of ship where there is an illegal fighting tournament where the losers have to have sex on public display for them. Aside from that, I think it was done by milky, and the only character I really remember is a witch Girl who lost her match, despite using lighting.

Yeah, if someone could help me find the name for this, I was going to use it as a basis for an rp I was thinking of

Re: Gah! I need help finding a hentai's name!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:39 pm
by that man
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Found it...I kind of find it amazing it took me this long to find.

Re: Gah! I need help finding a hentai's name!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:39 pm
by Chameleon
where can i watch it doe?