Have some idea about LoK 3

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Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri May 24, 2013 11:22 pm

It is like an idea - but may be try to make new Team and try to work together on this forum about Krystal (http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum). Try to post to people who will be interested with Kry and make one big team in the future ?
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby trunks2585 » Sat May 25, 2013 1:47 am

Have you forgotten how many people have tried to continue this game and failed? Of course that includes yours truly.

Furthermore it's not like we haven't left behind our ruminates of past attempts for people to pick up and use. Playshapes left everything open source to play with.

The sad pathetic truth is there's only a few people here that even honestly give a shit about the game anymore, everyone else either making other content, playing other games, or Cyberfucking RPing.

What we need is a group of people that won't quit half way through. And not to discredit those that have put in work, I mean a group as a whole. It's great if you got an artist or writer or programmer that's on the ball with their share of the work, but if someone else on the team is dragging their feet, well then the project is fucked.

If there's any serious hope for this game to get done it's going to have to be a one man effort, or a small, and I mean like 3-4 person team small group, that works on it.

More than anything, the most common reason this projects fall apart is the lack of a programmer. So for anyone looking to get a group together, consider that. don't worry about your artists or writers, get someone that can get your basic game running with fucking blocks of color. You can always swap out objects later on, having accurate models is not crucial to building your game mechanics. Tine tuning it sure, but to get it started, you can make do with blocks.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat May 25, 2013 5:50 am

Sorry for my bad English again - I just want to say a lot of thingth so unfortunatly when i hurry my punctuation and ability to wright without mistakes goes down :roll: But i realy believe that you will understand me.

You are right - I fail to make it alone - but i rewrite AS2 version to as3 and get some new exp and components and ideas about how it is possible to make easy and stable, some programmers there now have very good ideas about it and very good works. And some another creators do not make the full version.
But why we fail ? I think do not use our resources right.

Just for example - Gorepetes idea - about as i understand it - good platformer - with less sex but better action part that it be in original LoK2.
AnotherArrow - make some new levels to part 2 of the game and his version of the game.
IvanAedler go another way - then way i wanted to go in my Samus Platformer. I fail but he do not - and i will try to make what i can to his project too.
I made some short projects that are working by the way ;) So i realized how hard it is and what i do not have. How much work do all of the creators do.
Sorry that i do not talk about all of you - Katsu / Corta / SteelSaurus ... and all on this forum but i mean it to0. Just too much information i want to wright sorry :oops: ;)

But now i understand that some parts of it was made a little in a different way - more like porn game - not a platformer. If it is too much sex in platformer - and you can not turn it of you can not play it like platformer - just like porn game :mrgreen: And each way is perfect, and we just have to understand why and in what part of it ;)
My LoK version have some bugs fixed in AS3 version that other versions have - now i get idea how to fix it in another versions too.

How to make more simpler and better game algoritms. If you can see my old and new projects there i test different methods. Not make some global after i understand that i can not make it alone and try to work in a little another dimension - testing - animation some ideas about algoritms - testing them and try to fix and try some new ideas. I try to see more global and to understand what do people needs.

Yes we have not get much animators now not enough writers and painters - but have ideas and possible ways to get new.

People do not need more sex now - I look what other peoples play now. A lot of games just like braking blocks and etc... . Games with good mechaniks and animation. With less violence in it. But more may be free in it :roll:
So if we have option to disable it for example - or disable in different version of the game for older and younger people. Or make version 18+ where player can turn it off or on. If he like it. Or dislike.

BUT !!! If you see our game store was working the same way - first computers have not got so good mechaniks graphics and etc. I played in game where one shape attacks another when i was young :lol: But i trully like it. The modern old companys now have much more ways and resources to make games - but they are going another way now. And we can try to make games like it was before all this. With better graphics better mechaniks and etc.

It is good to make what people need. And do not brake morality/laws and etc. But if we think - what is it - it is just a global conscience.

I do not want to lead any more / i do not want to be the one who will make it - i understand that to make some thing better we have to make some sacrifices for it. For example - if there are different ways in game it is shorter - but more interesting. Some people in different countrys and etc. do not like some ideas - so okey :roll: We can seporate it on regions / make more soft and etc. And one day may be -> some body like it too - and make even better games. And if so it will be very interesting for me to play this game. If so - okey - let it be - even if i fail and all goes good i will be happy. If we make good - then okey - i hope another people excuse us. And even no (Yes or No) - we will have a hope. And the hope is good too. That is stablish self regulate system.

Just for example if you remember the game Parasite Eve 1 - it is my favorite game. But even in it i dislike that i can not turn of some animations there. Even now i play it some times. Becouse a lot of people like it. But if i had not my old exp. in games it can be too hard for me so i possible may be even do not try it.

It is realy hard to make good games - so we will not have problems with another games - if you remember - only some small groups that starts from zero - in the future grows and become bigger and make good games now - we can not do any thing with them but we can go another way. It is hard to remember more than for example 100 games on each old platforms - atary / dendy / sega / super nintendo / Play station and etc. And all of us try to play them all - becouse we trully like it. And it was to important for us that even now some of us nostalgic about it :mrgreen: There are even blogs where people just watch how another people play the games and tll us about it. They have millions of subscribers.

I see how marketing works in real life now - and unerstand how is better to do. Some of us may be understand it better than me - but i can understand it and accept it. And tell to another ways that works good and do not bother peoples.

The first thing that we have to understand - we DO NOT NEED TO DO IT BY OURSELVES NOW. We first have to plan what we can to do and what we already have. And only than make some decisions of what we can do. Need we do it now or later or may be should not do it at all - and who will do each part of it. Who is better in that part. How is better to cooperate for the project - and how is more correct and right to make it do not harm to another people and let them like it - make them better - gives some usefull knowledge - how not to harm each other and that they already have and we have. How let them to become better and understand what to do ;)

For now just think what we have - we have social medias / youtube - game industrials / sites with painter - methods that even for me from man with just an ordinary specialist with technical education with out any drawing skills or abilitys to animation start to think -> understand what is going on in the world - a little foresee what is going on and with some percent of probability how may be possible to do it. And i hope do not lose anything except may be some part of our time ;) But we lose it in any way - but in this way may be we will make some thing good ;) For me it is better than do not try. May be if all will be good we will become better may be just a little - but even in this case why not to try :lol: ;)
Last edited by OwnerOfSuccuby on Sat May 25, 2013 6:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat May 25, 2013 5:53 am

So step one - we first need to decide on this forum what do we have / want / and what will we try to do ;)
I will say the possible methods i know - may be some body know better - and try to think what to do next and when :lol: But not before we discuss it. Now it is better not to try do thingth by our own if we want to make it together ;) .
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby IrrelevantComment » Sat May 25, 2013 10:19 am

Would I want a platformer game with Krystal as the main character? Sure.

Would I want another LoK, with no actual gameplay? Not really, so I voted no.

A good example is the Team Sauria project, which I was working on before my university workload became too much. It was actual a game, with a platformer engine and dialogue trees, rather than just a collection of animations.

Also it may just be my programmer bias, but programming seems like the easy thing, art and animations are much more difficult.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat May 25, 2013 2:45 pm

Yes you are right bad idea :lol:
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby JL95 » Sat May 25, 2013 2:55 pm


Forum is still bugged on staying logged in for me.

PS: Crows have finally replied to my year old request. So we might be getting something soon?
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon May 27, 2013 10:52 pm

trunks2585 - is a little pessimistic ;) But unfortunatly he is right :roll: :(

I thought that it would be more people who is already interested in it :?

So all we need to believe and wait more interested people :mrgreen: And try to get designers and animators that are interested in it to our comunity :mrgreen:
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby trunks2585 » Wed May 29, 2013 5:57 am

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. It's a very thin line between the two.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby tinkerttoy » Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:23 am

We shall name it Project Necromancy.

Alright. As OoS pointed out, we need to decide upon what's going to make up the core of our gameplay experience. Now, first and foremost, we're making eroge here. We need to consider this in every aspect of design if we want the experience to fit together. I believe that a rebirth of this game would work best as a classic RPG. Slower gameplay would make it easier for the player to properly appreciate the content. Furthermore, RPG's aren't too complicated from a programming perspective, and if constructed properly they can be very extensible. Finally, this is also a parody; an old school Squaresoft-style RPG would also fit thematically. I don't believe that a platformer is the right option; they're far too easy to fuck up, seeing as the complexity involved in handling collision detection is a hell of a hurdle, and poor execution on fronts other than technology can hinder a proper masturbation experience. It can and has been done, but it isn't the best option; an RPG is. Agree or Disagree? If you disagree, say why.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:21 am

Is there any body who realy understands what is going on - what do people want - what do they really want to see ? Do they want to see character - or some location - or what ? Do they want to see sex sceenes with her or what ? What do not they want to see. It is good when it is possible to understand - what is going on :lol:

How much there are peoples like that ?

May be it can be a part of some other game or not big game with some scenario ? Or what do people realy want ? Porn / action and etc ?
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby tinkerttoy » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:02 am

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Is there any body who realy understands what is going on - what do people want - what do they really want to see ? Do they want to see character - or some location - or what ? Do they want to see sex sceenes with her or what ? What do not they want to see. It is good when it is possible to understand - what is going on :lol:

How much there are peoples like that ?

May be it can be a part of some other game or not big game with some scenario ? Or what do people realy want ? Porn / action and etc ?

I doubt that any one person has a comprehensive understanding of what goes on around here; it'd be a strange choice to put so much effort into understanding this forum, of all things. However, with a bit of research it can't be too horribly difficult to get an idea. The heart of the board, arguably, is the Creative Corner; other important subforums are Roleplaying and General. We can begin by looking through the Flash section of the CC (CC/F for short) and pick out which projects have gained momentum or carried it at some point; I'd say the criteria for a project to be notable should be:
  • At least 500 posts in its main thread
  • Either a complete game/production or a functional prototype

A quick scan, through the CC/F, returns several fitting candidates.

viewtopic.php?f=34&t=754 *

*Doesn't quite qualify (only 400-something posts) but I'm giving it a free pass

I'll let you look through these at your own discretion, but there are a couple of common threads I've found.
  • Nintendo parodies
  • Mild difficulty
  • Slow to moderate pace
  • Inclusion of Playshapes' work
  • Superficial storyline
These don't apply to each one of the list, but you get the idea.

So, the people of the LoK forums want a Nintendo parody that reminds them of Playshapes and doesn't tax them too extensively. Based on this alone, we're working within a broad range; we still need to take a look at some other subfora, but for now we have some idea of our objectives.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby Uncle Urgot » Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:37 am

I am just wondering if anybody here has ever thought about making LoK into a text game. If any of you have ever played CoC by Fenoxo (if you have not I highly recommend it) it shows just how amazing text games can be. I am not sure how much different the process would be it could just take out a lot of work of art and such while still being really high quality if you can only code and write.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:07 am

Just take the original sprites and gameplay, use any new sprites playshapes released for new character in different locations, reskin them if needed (color the lizard girls grey and add 'fur' to them to make them into wolves), and brew up a continuation of the story. Playshapes's first post about his rough story is still around from like one of the first topics. It's not rocket science guys, overthinking this project it what put it into the state it is in right now. Just don't complicate the gameplay past it's simple nature. If you want to make a game that has a bunch of dynamic features fine, but add it after the core game is done. Prove you can make the simple game before you expand on it.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby Spycam » Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:38 am

Uncle Urgot Wrote:I am just wondering if anybody here has ever thought about making LoK into a text game. If any of you have ever played CoC by Fenoxo (if you have not I highly recommend it) it shows just how amazing text games can be. I am not sure how much different the process would be it could just take out a lot of work of art and such while still being really high quality if you can only code and write.

It's not the same thing as CoC, but there is a group of us that's working on a choose your own adventure story. If you like text-based games, you should check it out. It would be great if we could eventually evolve some of that material into a game.

On a related note, I was wondering if it would be possible to take a similar format to a text-game and add visuals. So, at the end of a scene or at different points within a scene you would have different choices to make that would lead you to the next scene- kind of like chaotic's virtual date games. That would allow for a great deal of content, while eliminating the need for a more complex interface- and let's face it, none of us played LoK for the platforming haha- not that I have anything against platformers. I'm no programmer, but it seems like developing a 'select next action from a cache of scenes' program would be a lot simpler than creating a game engine, although I could be wrong. Also, using only the mouse, and that intermittently, has benefits for those who only have one hand available while playing.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby Uncle Urgot » Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:07 am

Spycam Wrote:
Uncle Urgot Wrote:I am just wondering if anybody here has ever thought about making LoK into a text game. If any of you have ever played CoC by Fenoxo (if you have not I highly recommend it) it shows just how amazing text games can be. I am not sure how much different the process would be it could just take out a lot of work of art and such while still being really high quality if you can only code and write.

It's not the same thing as CoC, but there is a group of us that's working on a choose your own adventure story. If you like text-based games, you should check it out. It would be great if we could eventually evolve some of that material into a game.

On a related note, I was wondering if it would be possible to take a similar format to a text-game and add visuals. So, at the end of a scene or at different points within a scene you would have different choices to make that would lead you to the next scene- kind of like chaotic's virtual date games. That would allow for a great deal of content, while eliminating the need for a more complex interface- and let's face it, none of us played LoK for the platforming haha- not that I have anything against platformers. I'm no programmer, but it seems like developing a 'select next action from a cache of scenes' program would be a lot simpler than creating a game engine, although I could be wrong. Also, using only the mouse, and that intermittently, has benefits for those who only have one hand available while playing.

Played through what you have, and it was great. But what i was really getting at in my post was the fact that it does not need to be a flash that text games and the like can be good alternatives, and for adding pictures RAGS could be a good developing engine for you to use as I have played some games that have pictures.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby joeyjoey61297 » Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:49 am

Honestly I think no matter what with or without sex scenes people will play the game but with the sex in it it makes the game better and people will want to A play it and B finish it to watch all the scenes, but I think that you should take the story and change it and have a really good plot that people can enjoy than worry about animations take them from the first to LOKs than just enhance the animations of them and make them look more smooth.
Use SSF plot even you could get a really good game with it. I enjoyed his story and i think you could get a really good game out of it because it had a plot and a lot of sex scenes so it should be a good write if time is put into it.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:04 am

You linked to SFFan's story, I'm not sure if fuzzface made one (sorry if you did I just can't remember and I'll fix this post if you did). And if that is the story you want to reference, do you really wanna recommend a 'darker and edgier' story? There's been a few others that don't go quite that dark. The first story that involved fox loosing his memory and thinking he belonged with the wolf pack I was more a fan of. Personally I don't think either story needs to be followed strictly, we were giving the basics of a story, Krystal and Fox crash land, and Krystal needs to find Fox. It's if you wanna tie in the other nintendo characters or not that you need to really consider.
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby joeyjoey61297 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:21 pm

True i think i like that after she gets out of the camp to go into the dark woods and find fox then get the other nintendo characters some how to help them get home idk .
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Re: Have some idea about LoK 3

Postby starfox55 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:10 am

joeyjoey61297 Wrote:True i think i like that after she gets out of the camp to go into the dark woods and find fox then get the other nintendo characters some how to help them get home idk .

And they would have to steal supplies from the sharpclaw to survive. Wonderful idea!
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